Mick Shmazian's Profile:
Mick Shmazian has 3 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 246 times.
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63425 Z,
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United States of America,
Denham Springs,
Mick Shmazian has studied various topics, but one subject that has attracted a great deal of attention from Shmazian is the history of higher education in Australia. He has been serious about this issue for a while and has studied all of the fascinating facts within the country's brief history of tertiary education.1850 was the calendar year higher education first established a beach head in Australia. The University of Sydney was started in that year—followed by the University of Melbourne in 1853. Before the independent colonies in Australia federated into one nation in 1901, a couple of more universities had been founded—the University of Adelaide in 1874 and the University of Tasmania in 1890. Shortly afterwards Australia became federated, two other universities were created: University of Queensland in 1909 and also the University of Western Australia in 1911.These earlier schools were all managed by the state governments they were found in.
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